Just one more thing!

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With this Expansion Pack, you'll get content that complements our Create Your Business Continuity Plan course. These are terrific for getting more sales of your course, and to use as handouts, surprise gifts, bonuses, and more. 

  • Business Continuity Planner (72 pages) - A brandable, editable planner for designing a business continuity plan. Comes with cover template for uploading to Amazon's KDP and selling as a printed, physical version of the planner.
  • Develop Your Exit Strategy: Worksheets (15 pages) - A series of worksheets for planning the future of your business and your team, whether that's selling the business, passing it to a successor, or even closing it down entirely.
  • Sales Page Copy - Use your favorite landing page template and enter the sales copy text directly into that template, customizing it to sound like you and to resonate with your unique audience’s needs.

Get the Create Your Business Continuity Plan Expansion Pack:

Expansion BONUS!

If you get BOTH Create Your Business Continuity Plan AND this Expansion Pack, you'll get the following bonus:

Social Media Images

10 editable images in a Canva template that you can use to build your audience and drive traffic to your opt-in and sales pages for Create Your Business Continuity Plan. Just change out the photo (if you want), replace the logo with your own, and add the url you want people to go to.

Click below to get the Create Your Business Continuity Plan Expansion Pack:

Suggested courses for expanding your program:

With Powered Up Processes, you’ll get everything you need to DELIVER, TEACH, and ATTRACT students to a course that teaches them a step-by-step program on how to supercharge and simplify your business by streamlining business processes.

Head here to see exactly what's included >>

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