Defeat Marketing Overwhelm: 5 Simple Steps to Finally Get Results

Defeat Marketing Overwhelm

Spend just an hour on the Internet, and you’ll inevitably come across a dozen different proven marketing tactics from so-called “experts” trying to sell their wares. Many of these strategies are inexpensive or free and relatively simple to implement.

Business owners struggling with growing their business tend to succumb to a “more is better” mindset. And with a flood of options available for a low investment, it’s easy to quickly suffer the side effects of marketing overwhelm.

[tbpquotable]So many shiny marketing strategies claim to produce the quickest results, so how can you choose just one?[/tbpquotable]

It’s impossible. So hungry marketers devour every strategy under the sun and try to implement all of them. But what happens after putting in this tremendous effort?

Little to nothing!

They don’t see any of the promised results. Frustrated, they start to wonder where all their time and energy has gone. And if they're working with a coach or consultant, they cancel their contract and move on to the next person who says they can help.

Why aren't these desperate business owners seeing results?

And what can you do to to help them?

There are 5 main reasons… and 5  easy steps you can take to defeat your clients' marketing overwhelm:

1. They fall into the “one size fits all” trap

Different businesses require different types of marketing. A large firm with a marketing team and a huge budget may see results from a certain strategy that would read death to a startup, solo entrepreneur with no marketing budget.

Solution: Take your client’s business model, size, resources, and goals into consideration. Start by defining their core values – the principles or beliefs that are at the center of their business and guide their decision-making. These will give them a clear foundation to keep from getting distracted by tempting new tactics that don’t align with their values.


2. They aim at too many targets

It’s okay for a business to have several marketing goals. But your clients will run into trouble if they try to achieve them all at once. Their focus is split between too many objectives, so they can never devote enough energy to a single one to see it through to success.

Solution: For the purposes of focusing and maximizing their marketing efforts, encourage your clients to pursue one marketing goal at a time. Pick the goal that’s most important and relevant to their business right now, and focus on it for 3 months.


3. They juggle too many strategies at once

When your client tries to implement too many strategies at once, they get stressed, overwhelmed, and burn out. On top of that, they still won’t see results.

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[tbpquotable]In marketing, multitasking is not a virtue. It actually kills productivity.[/tbpquotable]

Solution: Pick one marketing strategy at first, and commit to it wholeheartedly for 3 months. Choose this strategy based on your client’s core values and #1 marketing goal, which you already defined. Also, consider the resources the strategy requires and what fits with your client’s budget.


4. They have no clear map for moving forward

Once your client has done the work of defining their core values, their #1 marketing goal, and marketing strategy, they need to figure out how they’re going to implement that strategy to achieve their goal. This is where many people stall, because they aren’t sure how to put their ideas into actions.

Solution: First, make a list of the resources they need and how they will obtain them. Then, outline their top 5 tasks – these are the key phases of their project. Once they have a high-level plan, they can create a more detailed action plan breaking down each of the five tasks and setting deadlines.


5. Their team members have gone rogue

As with many other things in life, communication is key. If your client’s team isn’t on the same page, then their marketing efforts will be disorganized, inefficient, and counterproductive.

Solution: Help your clients create guidelines for their team that explain everything about their marketing strategy and what they hope to accomplish. Make sure everyone knows what his or her responsibilities are. Make these guidelines visible and easily accessible to everyone.

Follow the steps in the DISSC Formula to avoid these mistakes:

The DISSC formula is our simple 5-step model for addressing the 5 common marketing mistakes above:


By using this formula, you can help your clients eliminate the stress and confusion caused by marketing multitasking and create a clear path to success.

Watch this video for a summary of this article and the steps of the DISSC formula:


Download our Rapid Results Marketing Cheat Sheet

We’ve put together a free ‘cheat sheet’ you can use to work through the DISSC model with your clients (or for yourself).

Just download it, set up a strategy session with your client or prospect, and help them finally see some fast results.

Click on the box below to request your free copy:

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Want to take it to the next level?

You can quickly launch and deliver your own course to help a wider audience or a group coaching session with our ready-to-go course kit – Rapid Results Marketing Formula

CLICK HERE to get the Rapid Results Marketing Formula >>

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