Group Coaching: 3 Tools to Increase Engagement

Do you coach groups of people, or teach groups of people new skills? If you do, the following article about tools that increase engagement in group coaching sessions is a must-read! 

3 tools for better group coaching

Why is Engagement Important in Group Coaching?

Whether your group coaching is in B2B or you're coaching individuals, engagement signals "buy in" on the concepts and skills you're teaching. Engaged students go on to participate more actively, and perform at a higher level. They become collaborate more effectively with their teams, and if you're B2B, you'll be thrilled to know that your student will finally start to achieve their potential. 

Group coaching icebreaker infographic

As you can see from the infographic above, icebreakers, energizers and wrap-ups have a big impact on how your group coaching is received.

The next step is to create some of your own, and you can do this easily with our Energizing Icebreakers and Wrap-Ups course kit. 

Click below to find out more... 

Energizing Icebreakers and Wrap-Ups

Teach Yourself. Then teach your audience.

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