How to Tap the Power of LinkedIn Groups

How to Use LinkedIn Groups

If you've been a member of any LinkedIn Groups, you've probably seen that many Groups are just a showcase for someone's products or have little to no activity.

However, there's still tremendous power to being a member of an active Group on LinkedIn. And they can be a great source of leads and new customers IF you participate the right way.

Here's a quick slide presentation we put together that sums up the best practices for tapping into the power of Groups by being a ‘good Group member':

You can make that presentation full screen to view it more easily by clicking on the arrows on the bottom right of the viewer. You can also download it if you want to keep it for your reference.

Another thing you'll need to do is create a complete LinkedIn profile that represents you in a way that attracts your ideal lead.

Once you start actively participating in a Group, other members who are interested in what you have to say will go check out your profile.

Here's a handy infographic we put together which summarizes the key elements that you should always include to have the best LinkedIn profile possible:

Checklist for LinkedIn Profile


Some of this information comes out of our rebrandable, resellable course on Power Networking with LinkedIn Groups. If you grab a license to that course, you can customize it and use the content to teach others the right way to use LinkedIn Groups.

Check it out here:

==> Power Networking with LinkedIn Groups

Have you been a member of an active LinkedIn Group? Which ones?


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