Content Buyer’s Checklist: 5 Factors to Consider BEFORE You Buy Brandable (PLR) Content

When you see new brandable (PLR) content for sale, how do you decide whether to buy it or not?

Usually, when it's first released, content packages are offered at a great price. Sometimes, the price is unbelievably or even suspiciously low. But that doesn't mean you should jump to grab it on the off chance that you'll one day make use of the content.

Whenever you buy content, the cost can be far greater than the monetary price.

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Not only will you be tapping some of your own precious time to evaluate and then use the content, you also have to consider the impact on your audience.

High quality, educational, solution-focused content builds your value exponentially in the eyes of your audience. Low quality content chips away at your reputation as an expert. And garbage content takes a sledgehammer to your credibility.

So, when you estimate the cost of that next piece of content you're tempted to get, consider whether it will be a true asset to your business or a potential ticking time-bomb.

Start by taking all of these into consideration before you buy any brandable, done-for-you content.


1. Relevance

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Is this a topic that will help your audience with problems related to your area of expertise? Is it something they've asked you about, or which you anticipate they will ask about?

There's no point even vaguely considering buying the content if your audience can't relate to it. You might consider buying the content if it's about a topic you're planning to cover in the future. But, in that case, be sure that you have specific plans for when you'll do that.


2. Quality

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How was the content created? What process does the content creator use? Is it based on up-to-date research? Who is writing it? Is it carefully checked for grammar and typos? Is it easy to understand? Will people be able to learn from it and get results?

I know those are a lot of questions to consider, but as I mentioned before, your reputation is built on the content you provide. Make sure it's up to your high standards and will build your credibility as an expert in your field.


3. Profit Potential

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Where can you use the content where it will help you grow your business? Will you get a high enough return on your investment to make the content worth the cost?

In general, there are four key areas where you need content in your business. Looking at each of these areas, think about how you could use the brandable content being offered:

4 Areas for Content 2


In order to build your reputation as an expert, your audience needs to see that you know what you're talking about and can help them reach their goals. By consistently providing content your audiences recognizes as valuable, you'll take them on the first step in their journey towards being a customer. They'll begin to associate you with getting results, and they'll want to learn more

Lead Generation

Without a regular source of potential customers (leads or prospects), you'll never have predictable income. And when you provide ‘gated' content in exchange for contact details, you get the ability to prove your expertise even further. However, your content needs to give your leads quick wins or other instantly recognizable value.

Paid Products and Services

Without something people will pay for, you don't have a business. With high quality content, you can create courses, infoproducts, membership sites, workshops, video training and more. Along with those paid products, you'll need content that persuades your leads that your products or services are worth the price. While sales copy is one type of content, you should also consider bonus resources that add value to your paid offer.

Relationship Nurturing

People buy from people who they have a good relationship with, who they like and trust. This is where your relationship-nurturing content comes in. Emails and other free content for your leads nurtures those connections. However, the content you provide to your current customers is what helps them get the success that keeps them coming back and buying over and over again.

So, can you use the brandable content on offer in any of those four areas to produce more revenue?

Think about how much more visibility you'll get, how that translates into leads, and how many leads might convert to paying customers.

Then think about what you can charge for a product or service and whether you can nurture a relationship that leads to more sales.


4. Flexibility

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Can you use the content in multiple media formats? Can you repurpose it and use it more than once, in different places and for different audiences?

Most brandable content does give you the ability to transform it into any media format you want, including slides, infographics, audio, and video. But check the rights to be sure you don't have to use the content as-is, without changes. And take a look at the way the materials are presented, so you can see how easy it will be to convert to other media.

You should also check to see what audience the content was created for and whether it is generic enough to tailor to your audience, and potentially others who you want to serve.


5. Quantity

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This is the least important of all your decision-making factors. A huge bundle of content that you'll never use and which you'll waste hours sifting through is a waste of money. If you are looking at a big package, calculate the cost as a combination of the price tag plus the value of your own time. Then look back at your answers for the Profit Potential factor. How much can you potentially make in terms of additional revenue as a result of that content. Does the revenue outweigh the cost? Could that time be spent more profitably elsewhere?

With brandable content, what's more important when it comes to quantity is whether there's the right content to deliver on the results promised.

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For example, if you're just looking at buying content to create a new lead magnet, then you may only need a short report or checklist or template. A few email follow-ups would be useful there too, along with some social media posts and articles.

However, if you're looking at a package of content that promises to teach people how to start a business and grow it to $1 million in 1 year, then you should expect much more than a 20-page ebook with a few worksheets. Think about how much is involved in terms of knowledge and skill development in that case. Would you be able to teach someone everything they need to know in 1 hour? Not a chance!


And now that you've evaluated the brandable content being offered, based on these five factors, you can make an informed decision about whether to buy it. ?

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  1. I love the video! Super clean!short and to the point. I like all your images and use of text instead of someone speaking and the music was on point too… oh and the content was very useful but the delivery of the content is unique and awesome

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