One of the most valuable assets in your business, and your life, is your network of relationships with other people.
In fact, you could run your entire business quite easily just by making some good connections with the right people. Making these sorts of connections can be done online, through social media and email, but nothing can replace the personal element of a face-to-face connection.
That said, I'll bet a poll would show that the majority of people are uncomfortable with the idea of networking at events.

Networking Tip #1
Try to find out in advance who will be attending and identify who you want to meet.
Networking Tip #2
Prepare an elevator pitch that describes who you are and what you do in less than 30 seconds.
Networking Tip #3
Make notes on the back of the business cards you receive, but wait to write things down until you are alone so as to not seem rude.
Networking Tip #4
Research speakers and attendees ahead of time and reach out to them.
Networking Tip #5
Use social media to connect with speakers and people you meet
Networking Tip #6
Resist the urge to arrive fashionably late – the early bird does get the worm.
Networking Tip #7
Watch your body language to make sure you aren’t being unintentionally aggressive or closed-off
Networking Tip #8
The best location for networking is by a high- traffic area such as a main door, the bar, or near the food.
Networking Tip #9
Never underestimate the power of a thank-you note.
Networking Tip #10
Keep working on refining what emphasizes your strengths and what works for you!
As you can see, business networking doesn't have to be complicated but it does have to be done right, because when you get business networking right, your business grows!
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