Repurposing Content: Use Course Slides in a New Way

Slice and dice to make your content go farther

There's no end to your customers' thirst for new content. And there's only so much time in your own day. That's why using ready-to-go content is so valuable.

But are you getting the most mileage from your purchases AND from your own materials? That's where repurposing content comes in.

When you look at a slideshow, what are you seeing?

Just a set of slides to teach from?

Try looking at them in a different way, thinking about all the different parts of your Content Plan that you could fill with it.

Go beyond the variety of media formats you could create. Also consider the topics you could cover by just taking out portions of a course.

For example, our ready-to-go course on How to Become an Influencer covers topics like social media sites to be on, measuring your social influence, the mindset of an influencer, creating content that influences people, and more.

Each of those topics are also relevant to other courses or topics your customers are interested in. So, you can repurpose parts of those modules and use the content to build your reputation in a variety of areas.

To demonstrate this repurposing tactic, I pulled a small section from the course on influence to create a slideshow and video about how to pick the social media sites you need to be on.

Watch the demo video below:

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In the video, I walk through the steps I took to repurpose the slides into a new slideshow and then get it ready to record as a video:

Step 1: Identify one section of slides on a specific topic

Step 2: Copy/paste those slides into a new presentation

Step 3: Add your own theme/branding

Step 4: Add title, intro, conclusion, and call to action slides

Step 5: Edit text and add any graphics

Step 6: Edit speaker notes for your script

Step 7: Record your audio and create your video

You can also ‘Create Handouts' to put your slides and speaker notes into a Word document to make them easier to edit. That's what I do so that it's easier to follow them as I record the audio (using the free Audacity software).

I also walk briefly through the steps for creating that video, but you should read my earlier post with a detailed step-by-step for recording your slides as video. It's from before I rebranded to Content Sparks, but the steps haven't changed.

What do you do with the new content?

With this new, repurposed content focused just on social media sites, you could be promoting your reputation as someone who can help others determine their social media strategy.

Or, you could use it as part of a promotion for your own product or service about a specific social media site.

It could be combined with content from another course about LinkedIn or Facebook to create something custom.

You could even make it a new lead magnet to attract prospects looking for a social media consultant.

Want to see what the final video looks likes?

Here's what you could quickly create in a couple hours:

This video was a little long for a simple promo video, so I would suggest breaking it down even more if you want to create separate, mini-videos about each site. You could take one section on Twitter, for example, put each bullet point on its own slide, and put some of the speaking notes into slides as well – with more tips.

Then you'd have even more content to fill up all your marketing and attract more customers!

Give it a try yourself. Take just 5 or 6 slides and create a new presentation. Then customize it a little and record it as audio and video.

What's your favorite way to repurpose slide content?

If you want to grab the content from How to Become an Influencer, click on the image or link below:

==> CLICK HERE for How to Become an InfluencerHow to Become an Influencer

You'll get a complete, ready-to-go training program that includes:

  • Content to help your customers learn
  • Content to help you teach and deliver
  • Content to help you promote and sell the course

Best of all, you can EDIT, REBRAND, and SELL the content for 100% profit!


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