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Essential Finance Skills for Small Business Owners


Teach your clients essential finance skills, boosting their business growth and ensuring long-term sustainability.

Teach your audience how to track and manage their business finances so they can consistently grow and profit.

Did you know that about 60% of entrepreneurs and small business owners go bust within the first few years of starting?  

Learning essential small business finance skills is a crucial part of navigating those treacherous waters to the point of smooth sailing. 

They're also the skills that ensure those businesses can continue to thrive over time.

You're the kind of coach who wants to deliver results and value that lead to rave reviews, dedicated students, increased revenue, and repeat customers. 

And that's what entrepreneurs want too.

Adding a course on Essential Finance Skills for Small Business Owners can do all this and more!

When entrepreneurs and small business owners have a firm grasp of their finances, they're able to:

  • Understand their bookkeeper or accountant - "So that's a business expense, gotcha."
  • Question what's going on in their business -"We've spent $3,000 on pink fluffy paperclips? What's that about??"
  • Improve their cash flow and increase their profits - No wondering if there will be enough money to pay the bills.
  • Manage any financial risks - When you know what's risky or not, you can take steps right away to mitigate them.
  • Make strategic decisions and action plans that drive their business growth - "It looks like our biggest clients are consistently late paying their invoices, so let's consider a retainer option as an alternative." Or, "Our biggest profit margin is coming from our online sales of red oven mitts. Let's see how we can put more marketing budget towards those and create similar products."

Being able to interpret their numbers provides your students with the power to set their business on the right course to continuous success.

Students love knowing their finances, and our easy-to-teach course gives them confidence, even if they've struggled in the past or think they're not good with math. 

What's more, you don't have to worry about creating the course or what goes on any worksheets! 

That's because with our brandable, done-for-you course, Essential Finance Skills for Small Business Ownersyou'll get all the materials you need to set up your own online course, live workshop, or other coaching program. 

Here's what you'll be teaching...

There are 8 modules in the course, with multiple lessons, an introduction, and a concluding action plan. The course can easily be delivered any format you want - self-study, virtual, live, or even 1-to-1.

Here's a summary of each module's learning outcomes:


You'll start out with an overview of the course and what your students will learn, so that everyone is excited to jump in and get going.

Module 1 - The Impact of Financial Management on Your Business Success

Many business owners don't realize how important financial management is until it's too late. They end up scrambling to find all their expenses, or worse, they run out of money altogether. But it doesn't have to be that way.

In Module 1, you'll discuss with your students how to establish a mindset around financial management that will motivate them to stay on top of their numbers so that they can grow a profitable business.

Module 2 - Is It Personal or Is It Business?

It's vital to keep your business and personal finances separate to protect your personal assets, make sure your reporting for taxes is accurate, and get a clear picture of your business's financial health.

In Module 2, you'll discuss why it's so important to keep personal and business finances separate. Your students will then start that process by ensuring they have separate business accounts and by identifying their current personal business expenses.

  • Lesson 1: Keep Your Finances Separate
  • Lesson 2: Identify Your Business Expenses

Module 3 - Set Up Your Financial Systems

Consistent bookkeeping can help eliminate any confusion when it comes to keeping track of your business and personal finances. 

In Module 3, you'll teach your students how to apply basic bookkeeping best practices and implement a bookkeeping system in their business. They'll select a bookkeeping software if they don't have one already, and then enter their financial data so that they're ready for the next module.

  • Lesson 1: Essential Bookkeeping Practices
  • Lesson 2: Select and Start Using Bookkeeping Software

Module 4 - The 3 Key Reports You Need to Understand

In Module 4, you'll point out and explain the most important elements of a Balance Sheet, P&L Statement, and Cash Flow Statement. You'll then go through each report and discuss the essential questions your students need to answer to interpret their reports and assess their business’s current financial health.

  • Lesson 1: The 3 Financial Reports that Tell All
  • Lesson 2: How to Interpret Your Balance Sheet
  • Lesson 3: How to Interpret Your Profit & Loss Statement
  • Lesson 4: How to Interpret Your Cash Flow Statement

Module 5 - Manage Your Finances Moving Forward

When moving forward, forecasting can help businesses make decisions about budgeting, resource allocation, and marketing strategies.

In Module 5, you'll have your students create a picture of their business’s finances moving forward, including both forecasted sales and expenses, so they can create a budget and make informed decisions about strategies and tactics that will impact their numbers.

  • Lesson 1: Forecast Future Sales
  • Lesson 2: Estimate Expenses
  • Lesson 3: Create a Budget for Your Business

Module 6 - What About You?

Any forecast and budget must take into account your personal financial requirements too! You start that process by calculating your personal expenses and comparing that to the profit available to you in your business.

In Module 6, you'll show your students how to ensure there’s a balance between how much money they personally need and what their business can provide. You'll also explore actions they can take if their business won't provide enough income to cover their needs.

  • Lesson 1: Calculate Personal Expenses
  • Lesson 2: What If Your Personal Income is Not Enough

Module 7 - Take Stock and Outline a Plan

In Module 7, you'll show your students how to apply the information they’ve learned about their finances to assess their business’s health and create an action plan for making it even more robust.

You'll discuss the meaning of Revenue Growth, Expense Growth, Gross Profit Margin, and Net Profit Margin. Then, you'll have your students create a Financial Action Plan that includes their identified ways to cut costs, increase revenue, and increase cash flow in their business. 

  • Lesson 1: The Numbers That Tell You ‘How’s Business?’
  • Lesson 2: Create Your Financial Action Plan

Module 8 – Summary and Next Steps

In this final module, you'll share some additional tips and give your students time to review the course, helping them to consolidate and implement their learning and plan future action steps, so they can achieve the goals they set for this course.

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100% No Risk Guarantee

Take a look through all the materials.
If you don’t think you or your customers can benefit from this content, let us know in the first 7 days, and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.  Just contact us at support@contentsparks.com.

If you like it, keep it. And if you’re ready to take action quickly to get to that next level, you could be closing sales in the first week.

And here's all the content you'll get!

SmallBizFinance gif
  • Student Materials

  • Instructor Materials

  • Lead Generation Materials

Student Materials - to Learn & Take Action

* Course Book (12,103 words, 98 pages) - which gives you content and activity instructions you can use to create a self-study course, eCourse, or online or offline workshop (You’d pay $2,000+ just to learn how to create a course like this, and you’d still have to spend months doing it yourself)  

* Action Guide - 51-page guide which helps your students take action on what they learn, so you’ll have happy, successful customers

* Financial Templates Spreadsheet - includes templates for sales forecasting, expense forecasting, and budgeting

* Financial Action Plan - 8-page worksheet to bring all work from the course together

* Summary Cheat Sheet (1910 words, 27 pages) - which you and your clients can quickly reference to save time, versus having to refer to the book every time (Customers love these!)  

* 45 Colorful Graphics that are used in the course book and slideshow - which not only give a snapshot view of concepts, but also give your content some visual zing (in .pptx and .png) 

* Course Overview Infographic - A visual overview of the course (in .pptx, .pdf, & .png)

* Course Roadmap - The student's journey through the course (.pptx, .pdf & .png)

Course contents are delivered as .docx, pptx and .xls. Images are .pptx, .pdf & .png.

Not sure about White Label Courses? See what Content Sparks customers are saying...


I'm able to develop new programs quickly and professionally

Sharyn's materials help me to stay stealthy. I'm able to develop new programs quickly and professionally, always offering something new to my members and leaders, giving me tremendous edge in the market. My network is growing rapidly and I'm expanding into other cities. Now, as leaders plug into the system I've created, I'm able to help them grow their business as well.

Jennifer Henczel

This is first-rate stuff—highly recommended

When it comes to premium customizable content, look no further than Sharyn's suite of products. This is beautifully researched and exquisitely crafted material. Even if you don't end up modifying and rebranding it for your own business, you're guaranteed to find the content itself incredibly useful. Sharyn's trainings drive even greater value into the customer equation; don't miss them. I've been in marketing for over three decades, and Sharyn and her team continue to impress me with each new release.

This is first-rate stuff—highly recommended. Period.

Daniel Ulin

I've been a customer/fan ever since

My training and coaching practice is more profitable and less stressful because of Content Sparks. I searched the internet for private label content solutions to avoid starting from scratch every time I had an idea for a new product. Luckily one deep SEO rabbit hole led me to Sharyn's excellent site, and I've been a customer/fan ever since. I use the courses to power my private coaching, membership sites, and premium value workshops. Content Sparks has researched, written, and packaged the best business fundamentals, so you don't have to. These resources have saved me time and earned back my investment.

Javontae Williams Owner, Red and Brown Lifestyle Media

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Here are a few ideas for using your content...

  • Use a section of the content as a free giveaway to get more email subscribers on your list
  • Use the slides and speaking notes to run a webinar. Then follow up with paid coaching or consulting sessions
  • Customize and sell your own ecourse and follow it up with additional coaching or more in-depth training on each sub-topic.
  • Use sections of the content for an autoresponder series that pre-sells the entire course, all combined as a paid ebook, webinar, or live workshop.
  • Use the slides and speaker notes to create a video series for your clients, with the worksheets as downloads to accompany each video.
  • Add the content to your paid membership site as a valuable learning resource
  • Share the graphics, infographics, and tweets on social media to promote the course (paid or as a lead magnet), or just to drive traffic to your site
  • Combine this course with other courses at Content Sparks to create a longer educational series or curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

  • FAQs about Essential Finance Skills for Small Business Owners

  • FAQs about White Label Content

  • How Much Can I save?

  • How Much Can I Earn?

Is Essential Finance Skills for Small Business Owners right for my audience?

If your audience includes small business owners, solo entrepreneurs, or business owners who just don't have a handle on all their numbers, then they'll love this program. 

Essential Finance Skills for Small Business Owners is the course that every business owner needs. Given that the majority of business owners go bust in the first few years, it's critical for them to know details of where they're spending money, how they're earning, and where the profits are.

And then there's the question of how they'll continue to grow their business over time. If they understand basic bookkeeping and what all their reports mean, they can make the best decisions for how to scale and grow.

By teaching Essential Finance Skills for Small Business Owners, you're helping your small business owners not only survive the treacherous early years but also become more and more profitable.

Does this course only work online or can it also be an in-person workshop?

Here at Content Sparks, we've given you everything you need to run your courses online virtually. However, you'll find the content is easy to adapt to in-person training with some simple replacement of virtual logistics, group coaching, or live seminar. Just have students do the action steps as small group and partner activities and then reconvene to debrief and discuss their results. 

For this particular course, since there's a lot of self-paced work to do, you may want to break up any live portions so they have time to gather their documents and input numbers in their bookkeeping software.

Many of our clients do amazing in-person events with our course kits, and you will too! 

Can I teach this course if I've not taught these skills before?

Yes... absolutely

You can work through the course yourself and be your own case study to share with your audience.  Show them what you did, and how you felt with each step. This level of authenticity is exactly what your audience is looking for.  You can interview successful entrepreneurs in your niche and ask them about their business financials and what worked and what didn't. You'll find interviews are a great way to plug any perceived knowledge gap.

Can I create a Low-Ticket Offer with this?

Yes! Take out Module 6 "What About You" and record the module, then take this module out of the course book, and the same section from the action guide, you now have the perfect bite-sized introductory course for Essential Finance Skills for Small Business Owners

Can I create a High-Ticket Offer with this?

Yes! You can add in some personal coaching sessions (we recommend 4) and sell this in the $997-$1497 range. You can expand it to include a mastermind and charge up to $3,000 per person.

To increase the value, add in content from other Content Sparks courses. We recommend our 'Start Your Own Business: Step-by-Step' course kit, and our Profitable Pricing program. Together, these make a powerful high-ticket offer that has an incredible impact. 

You could also turn this whole course into a VIP day and deliver Essential Finance Skills for Small Business Owners in person in a luxury venue 

A little extra thought turns Essential Finance Skills for Small Business Owners into a priceless, high-ticket offer that gives a brilliant ROI and increased revenue for you.

Can I use this course to create a bonus or upsell?

Essential Finance Skills for Small Business Owners makes a fabulous, high value bonus to an existing course on how to start a business, membership site, or coaching program. You could record this course as bite-sized videos, and then include it with your main program as an optional bonus course they can take on their own. 

You could also offer it as an upsell, for additional revenue, as part of your sales funnel for any course on starting or growing a business.

Or, consider it as a follow-up, next-level offer after people have completed one of your other programs on starting, growing, or scaling a business!

What Curriculum could this be part of?

Anything around starting and growing a business will make a fantastic curriculum to add Essential Finance Skills for Small Business Owners. You can easily build a curriculum that includes courses like Niche Market Match, Values to Profit, Know Your Why, Goal Setting Masterclass, and Create Your Business Growth Plan to give people a variety of skills for growing a business.

Essential Finance Skills for Small Business Owners is the course that entrepreneurs, service providers, and other small business owners are looking for when they look at your curriculums. 

Can I see a sample of the course content?

Sure! You can see an excerpt from the Course Book HERE:


And if you have more questions, you can always content us at support@contentsparks.com

Get your license to Essential Finance Skills for Small Business Owners today:

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