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We like to think we're pretty good at creating online courses.

But where would the fun be in not sharing that knowledge with you?!

We've published quite a few articles in the past with information about creating online courses. From idea conception, to picking titles, right up to getting an audience for your course. Here's a quick round-up of our best pieces:


The 3 Types of Online Courses You Need to Grow Your Business

Types of online courses to grow your business

Online courses are easier than ever to create, launch, and market. And the eLearning market is growing every year, with current estimates it will reach $398 billion by 2026!

The good news for you is that you only really need 3 types of courses to make a huge impact on your business growth:

  1. Lead Generation Course
  2. Paid Course (for Sales)
  3. Customer Retention Course

In this post, there's an infographic and overview of the 3 types of online courses you need. And at the bottom, you can request a FREE Online Course Business Builder Worksheet, for planning exactly where you'll use online courses to grow your business.


Online Course Ideas: How to Know if Your Topic Will Sell

Will your online course idea sell?

Unfortunately, picking a course topic is not as easy as creating your course, publishing it, and sitting back to refresh PayPal as the transactions roll in. You have to first make sure that what you're producing is something that people are interested in. In this blog post we put together a five-step process for assessing whether or not your topic will sell. The steps are:

  1. Check Out the Competition
  2. Ask Your Customers
  3. Give Them a Choice
  4. Test Content Interest
  5. Pre-Registration/Notification

Check out the rest of the post here.


How to Write a Title for Your Course [Tips & Formulas]

How to Write Titles for Your Courses and Products

So you've got your topic, and you might even have your course ready to publish… but you haven't completed what many find the most challenging part of the process – giving it a title. There are several guidelines to consider when you're naming your course:

  1. Keywords & Phrases
  2. Audience
  3. Key Benefit
  4. Short & Memorable
  5. Rolls of the Tongue
  6. Be Specific

Get tons of tips on title writing, along with some formulas and examples here.


How to Create Your Spectacular Signature Online Course

create your online course

At Content Sparks, we provide you with the ready-to-go content for your courses. But what if you want to create a totally unique, ‘signature' course?

In this post, we walk through the 8 key steps involved in creating, launching, and delivering your course.

  1. Decide on Course Delivery Method
  2. Outline Your Course
  3. Create Your Content
  4. Prepare Your Content for Publishing
  5. Set Up Your Course Online
  6. Set Up Your Sales Funnel
  7. Drive Traffic to Your Sales Funnel
  8. Deliver Your Course and Get Feedback

We also point out where our brandable content can speed up the process (HINT: it's numbers 1 through 3 in particular). And, there's a handy checklist you can download at the bottom


How to Create a Course Sales Page that Converts

Create a course sales page that converts

Your sales page determines whether someone buys your course or moves on. However, many course creators get stuck at this point and either rush through the process or use sales copy provided to them by someone else. That's a big mistake!

One of the most important skills you can learn as a business owner and marketer is how to write copy that converts. And when it comes to your course sales page, there are 3 basic steps involved:

Step 1: Identify Your Target Audience

Step 2: Write Your Sales Page Content

Step 3: Apply Best Practices for Sales Page Design

In this epic blog post, we walk through each of those steps and, at the bottom of the post, you can download a course sales page template to use when creating your pages.


The Easy Way to Use WordPress to Deliver Your eCourse

Online Course WordPress feature

There are LOTS of different ways you can get your course out there for your audience to start learning. Some platforms can get a little complicated, and might end up being a little pricey. As WordPress is such a well-known and inexpensive platform to use, it's right up there on our list of course publishing options. Take a look at this blog post on an easy way to use it here.


How to Use Virtual Assistants to Save Time Creating Courses

Virtual Assistant Blog Image

Does all of this course creation sound too time-consuming? It doesn't have to be! As soon as you can invest just a small amount in getting some help, you can start offloading the tasks where you don't add value and speed up everything in your business.

You might be surprised at just how much you can outsource to a virtual assistant when it comes to creating your courses, especially when it comes to using your Content Sparks content.

In this post, we go through 12 different ways to leverage the brilliance of a virtual assistant to quickly get your online course created, set up, and earning for you.

At the bottom, you'll also see a place to request a free Virtual Assistant Hiring Checklist to help you find the perfect VA for you – even if you're hiring for just a few hours a month.


So now you've got the background info to put together an excellent online course… but what's next?

We've also put together an infographic of the basic steps involved in getting your online course designed, developed, and ready to deliver:

how to create an online course infographic

Want to learn more AND teach others about creating and selling online courses?


Check out our 3 core brandable, ready-to-go packages about online courses:

create an online courseCLICK HERE for How to Create an Online Course >>


Online Course Expansion pack

CLICK HERE for the Online Course Expansion Pack >>


Launch and Market Online Course

CLICK HERE for Launch and Market Your Online Course >>


When you purchase any of our brandable content, you get a license to:

  • Edit it any way you want
  • Put your name and brand on it
  • Share with prospects or sell for 100% profit

You can even use the materials to guide you when you create and sell your own Online Course :).


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