Know Your Customer


Teach your clients how to use surveys and interviews to get a deep understanding of your customers and their needs.

Here's why you need to teach 'Know Your Customer'...

Most small businesses and entrepreneurs spend a lot of time guessing who their customers really are and what they want. They waste precious time and resources, and just ‘hope' that they'll hit the target.

But businesses that make the effort to know their customers at a deep level never have to worry about figuring out what to give them next.

Luckily, anyone can get that level of understanding using customer surveys and interviews, and you can teach them how in Know Your Customer.

By helping your customers gather the insights they need to serve their market best, you'll build your reputation as someone who can really get results… you'll be winning their thanks and watching their businesses take off!

Here's what you'll be teaching...

There are 5 modules in the course, an introduction, and a concluding action plan. The course can easily be delivered as a self-study eBook, membership site resource, online course, live workshop, or any other way you want.

Here's a summary of each module's learning outcomes:


You'll start by explaining why getting to know their customers better gives your students a huge competitive advantage, even if they're a tiny business going against bigger ones

Module 1 - Methods for Understanding and Interacting with Your Customers

You'll give them several ways they can get to know their customers, even if they can't conduct surveys or interviews.

Module 2 - Creating Your Customer Survey

You'll show them how to write and conduct customer surveys effectively, so they can gather the information they need most. 

Module 3 – Create Your Interview Instrument

You'll show them how to structure and run a customer interview, so they can gain valuable, deep insights about their market.

Module 4 – Analyze Your Data and Create Customer Profiles

You'll show them how to combine all their data to create a customer profile, so they always know exactly who they're talking to.

Conclusion – Putting It All Together and Next Steps

You'll conclude by recapping key points and guiding them through some action planning, so they'll walk away knowing exactly what they need to do next to get to know their customers.

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100% No Risk Guarantee

Take a look through all the materials.
If you don’t think you or your customers can benefit from this content, let us know in the first 7 days, and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.  Just contact us at

If you like it, keep it. And if you’re ready to take action quickly to get to that next level, you could be closing sales in the first week.

I now have a delicious buffet of the finest packages

With a lifetime in marketing, copywriting, and design, I find Content Sparks is the place to turn to shortcut my time required and ramp up my training products. I now have a delicious buffet of the finest packages, complete with checklists, worksheets, emails, ebooks, and PowerPoint decks. Starting from a blank screen is a waste of time. Starting with a Content Sparks package is priceless. On top of that, Sharyn Sheldon does thoughtful and responsive YouTube LIVES. If you haven't figured it out yet, I highly recommend Content Sparks.

Dr. Donna Blevins MindShift Coach & Communication Catalyst

And here's all the content you'll get!

  • Student Materials

  • Instructor Materials

  • Lead Generation Materials

Student Materials - to Learn & Take Action

* Course book (6541 words, 36 pages) - which gives you content and activity instructions you can use to create a self-study course, eCourse, or online or offline workshop (You’d pay $2,000+ just to learn how to create a course like this, and you’d still have to spend months doing it yourself)  

* Action Guide - 19-page guide which helps your students take action on what they learn, so you’ll have happy, successful customers

* Customer Profile - A fill-in-the-blanks template that will give a clear snapshot of your types of customers

* A 12-Page Summary Cheat Sheet - which you and your clients can quickly reference to save time, versus having to refer to the book every time (Customers love these!)  

* 4 Colorful Graphics that are used in the course book and slideshow - which not only give a snapshot view of concepts, but also give your content some visual zing (in .pptx and .png) 

* Course Overview Infographic - A visual overview of the course (in .pptx, .pdf, & .png)

* Know Your Customer: Best Practices & Mistakes to Avoid Infographics (in .pptx, .pdf & .png)

* Know Your Customer Interview Questions - 20 suggested interview questions

Contents are delivered as .docx, pptx and .xls. Images are .pptx, .pdf & .png.

See what Content Sparks customers are saying...


Rapid Course Creation

It's a tremendous help to be able to reduce timeframes from 45 (days) to under a week. And that helps me secure more deals as well, because I can have that turnover time to be able to help support what the client needs, especially in these challenging times.

Chris Gloss Possibilities Coach

This is first-rate stuff—highly recommended

When it comes to premium customizable content, look no further than Sharyn's suite of products. This is beautifully researched and exquisitely crafted material. Even if you don't end up modifying and rebranding it for your own business, you're guaranteed to find the content itself incredibly useful. Sharyn's trainings drive even greater value into the customer equation; don't miss them. I've been in marketing for over three decades, and Sharyn and her team continue to impress me with each new release.

This is first-rate stuff—highly recommended. Period.

Daniel Ulin

Thanks to Content Sparks, I’ve been able to start a membership site

Thanks to Content Sparks, I’ve been able to start a membership site. I always wanted to do it, but never had the time. I’m charging $27 and $97 per month and am using Content Sparks products to drip new content each month. With 50 members at the $27/month right now, that's an additional $1,350/month right there, all from a $149 investment.

Tamara Patzer

Click the button below to get your license to Know Your Customer:

Here are a few ideas for using your content...

  • Use a section of the content as a free giveaway to get more email subscribers on your list
  • Use the slides and speaking notes to run a webinar. Then follow up with paid coaching or consulting sessions
  • Customize and sell your own ecourse and follow it up with additional coaching or more in-depth training on each sub-topic.
  • Use sections of the content for an autoresponder series that pre-sells the entire course, all combined as a paid ebook, webinar, or live workshop.
  • Use the slides and speaker notes to create a video series for your clients, with the worksheets as downloads to accompany each video.
  • Add the content to your paid membership site as a valuable learning resource
  • Share the graphics, infographics, and tweets on social media to promote the course (paid or as a lead magnet), or just to drive traffic to your site
  • Combine this course with other courses at Content Sparks to create a longer educational series or curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

  • FAQs about Know Your Customer

  • FAQs about White Label Content

  • How Much Can I save?

  • How Much Can I Earn?

Does this course only work online or can it also be an in-person workshop?

Here at Content Sparks, we've given you everything you need to run your courses online virtually. However, you'll find the content is easy to adapt to an in-person training with some simple replacement of the virtual logistics, group coaching, or live seminar. Just have students do the action steps as small group and partner activities and then reconvene to debrief and discuss their results. 

Many of our clients do amazing in-person events with our course kits, and you will too! 

Can I teach this course if I've not taught these skills before?

Yes... absolutely

You can work through the course yourself and be your own case study to share with your audience.  Show them what you did, and how you felt with each step. This level of authenticity is exactly what your audience is looking for.  You can interview successful entrepreneurs in your niche and ask them about their customers, what worked and what didn't. You'll find interviews are a great way to plug any perceived knowledge gap.

Can I use this course to create a bonus or upsell?

Know Your Customer makes a fabulous, high value bonus to an existing course on marketing for small businesses. You could record this course as bite-sized videos, and then include it with your main program as an optional bonus course they can take on their own. 

You could also offer it as an upsell, for additional revenue, as part of your sales funnel for a course on starting a business.

Can I create a High-Ticket Offer with this?

Yes! You can add in some personal coaching sessions (we recommend 4) and sell this in the $997-$1497 range. You can expand it to include a mastermind and charge up to $3,000 per person.

You could also turn this whole course into a VIP day, and deliver Know Your Customer in-person in a luxury venue 

A little extra thought turns Know Your Customer into a priceless, high-ticket offer that gives a brilliant ROI and increased revenue for you.

What Curriculum could this be part of?

Anything about marketing for small businesses would be incomplete without Know Your Customer.

Check out Customer-Focused Marketing to see related courses you can put together to create the perfect curriculum for your audience.

Can I see a sample of the course content?

Sure! You can see an excerpt from the Course Book HERE:

And if you have more questions, you can always content us at

Get your license to Know Your Customer today: