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Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics


Use our White Label Course kit to LEARN, TEACH, and ATTRACT students to your own course on how to…

Amplify Email Impact with Segmentation, Automations, Personalization, and More.

Just add your insights, rebrand it, and share or sell for 100% profit!

Teach Your Clients How to Maximize Their Email Marketing Results

Use our done-for-you course kit to deliver your own online course or workshop that helps people get more engagement, opens, clicks, and sales from their email marketing efforts!

Everything you need to attract students to your course, so you can close more sales...

ready-to-go course, saving you months of time on content creation...

The ability to edit, customize, and brand the materials, so it fits your market & your personality...

A Complete "Course-In-A-Box," At A Fraction Of The Cost Of Starting From Scratch...

Is your audience struggling with getting results from their email marketing?

Most business owners who use email marketing...

  • Get frustrated by all the 'techy' parts of more advanced email strategies
  • Want to build their list, but then rarely send anything more than a lead magnet 
  • Create new lead magnets, but ignore the people who got the old one
  • Get discouraged when they see that no one is opening or clicking on the emails that they do send 

They end up wasting their biggest business asset - their email list! 

Your clients need a clear, practical email marketing strategy that taps the powerful features their email platform offers them.

And they need YOU to show them how to create it.

With our white label course - Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics - your students will learn how to:

  • Establish a solid foundation for a high-impact email marketing strategy
  • Use lists and tags to organize and segment their subscribers - a necessity for all successful email marketing tactics
  • Apply best practices for setting up automations that speed up the customer journey
  • Personalize their content to increase subscriber engagement and action.
  • Test their emails to optimize for consistent visibility and sales.

You'll transform the lives of your students as you free them from the overwhelm of confusing email tactics and help them focus on what will achieve their goals.

Best of all? When you purchase a license to Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics, you'll get the rights to edit the content any way you want, put your name and brand on, and repurpose it into whatever format you want (online, offline, video, livestream... you name it!) 

Get Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics Now!

100% No Risk Guarantee

Take a look through all the materials.
If you don’t think you or your customers can benefit from this content, let us know in the first 7 days, and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.  Just contact us at support@contentsparks.com.

If you like it, keep it. And if you’re ready to take action quickly to get to that next level, you could be closing sales in the first week.

Here's what you'll teach in Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics:

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You'll start out with an overview of the course and what your students will learn, so that everyone is excited to jump in and get going. This module will help motivate your students to focus on the real reason they're taking your course! 

Module 1 – How to Use Lists and Tags Together

Both lists and tags facilitate effective targeting and boost relevance for your audience. But what combination works best?

In Module 1, you'll help your students determine their strategy for using lists and tags so they can keep their email platform well-organized and optimally set up for using advanced features.

  • Lesson 1:What Are Lists? – In Lesson 1, you'll explore the benefits and potential pitfalls of using lists in email marketing, helping your students to evaluate their current approach in preparation for creating their list + tag strategy.
  • Lesson 2: What Are Tags? – In Lesson 2, you'll explain the role of tags in an organized email marketing strategy so students can evaluate their current tag use and where they can employ tags most effectively.
  • Lesson 3: Define Your List + Tag Strategy – In Lesson 3, you'll teach your students how to define their ‘list + tag’ strategy in a way that's easy to maintain and use moving forward.

Module 2 – List Segmentation Essentials

List segmentation is essential for ensuring you can deliver the right content to the right people. 

In Module 2, you'll look at show your students how to segment their subscriber list in different ways to refine their email targeting and ensure they’re delivering content to people who will be most interested in it.

  • Lesson 1: What Are List Segments and Why Are They Essential?– In Lesson 1, you'll explore the benefits and challenges of list segmentation and help your students evaluate their current use so they’ll be prepared to create a strategy that will increase engagement, conversions, and revenue.
  • Lesson 2: List Segmentation Tactics – In Lesson 2, you'll have your students choose their initial list segmentation strategy and tactics that make the most sense for their unique audience and goals.

Module 3 – Automate Your Email Marketing

Automation allows you to increase engagement without tripling the size of your daily to-do list or having to remember to send emails and follow up.

In Module 3, you'll teach your students how to map out their initial email automations that will have the biggest impact on their goals.

  • Lesson 1: What Are Automations and Why Do You Need Them? – In Lesson 1, you'll  explore the benefits of email automation with your students and help them set their main automation goals, so that they are ready to map out the ones that will make the biggest impact on their business.
  • Lesson 2: Pulling the Trigger – How to Set Automations into Motion – In Lesson 2, you'll explain how to use different triggers to build automations that provide subscribers with email content at the point when they'll be most interested in it.
  • Lesson 3: Choose an Automation and Map it Out – In Lesson 3, your students will map out automations that will have the greatest impact on their customer’s journey, launching at least one so they can start seeing results immediately.

Module 4 – Personalize Your Email Marketing

Personalizing your email marketing is one of the most effective ways to increase opens and conversions. 

In Module 4, your students will select email personalization tactics they can easily implement, along with identifying exactly how they will acquire the information they need.

  • Lesson 1: What Is Email Personalization and Why Is It Important?– In Lesson 1, you'll discuss the benefits, options, and challenges of personalizing email marketing so your students can identify the best opportunities to use it in their business.
  • Lesson 2: Personalization Tactics and the Role of Tags – In Lesson 2, you'll explain how your students can use their customer data to personalize their email marketing in ways that will maximize subscriber engagement and sales.

Module 5 – Test and Measure Your Email Content

 To achieve the highest level of email marketing success, it is essential that you test and measure your email content.

In Module 5, you'll examine how your students can increase their email marketing impact by split-testing different elements and regularly tracking key metrics, making changes as needed to improve results.

  • Lesson 1: What Is Split Testing and How Can You Use It? – In Lesson 1, you'll help your students choose which elements of their emails they’ll split test to optimize the results they get from their email campaigns and automations.
  • Lesson 2: Which Metrics Should You Track? – In Lesson 2, you'll discuss the best email metrics to track and how often to review results and implement changes, so your students can continuously increase the effectiveness of their email marketing.

Module 6 – Next Steps

Now that your students have their next level email marketing strategies in place, they'll be ready to apply email marketing best practices and be prepared to test out more complex tactics, continually expanding their email marketing skills and level of success.

In this final module, you'll give your students time to review the course, helping them to consolidate and implement their learning and plan future action steps, so they can achieve the goals they set for this course.

Get your license to Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics:

Not sure about the value of our done-for-you course content? Here’s what business owners just like you have to say about Content Sparks:


This is first-rate stuff—highly recommended

When it comes to premium customizable content, look no further than Sharyn's suite of products. This is beautifully researched and exquisitely crafted material. Even if you don't end up modifying and rebranding it for your own business, you're guaranteed to find the content itself incredibly useful. Sharyn's trainings drive even greater value into the customer equation; don't miss them. I've been in marketing for over three decades, and Sharyn and her team continue to impress me with each new release.

This is first-rate stuff—highly recommended. Period.

Daniel Ulin

Thanks to Sharyn Sheldon and her crew at Content Sparks

Just want to give a huge shout-out of thanks to Sharyn Sheldon and her crew at Content Sparks…been reading over some of the material I picked up for my education biz and it's fantastic. It's like having a great script to work with and now as the actor/director it's my job to put my own spin on it…but isn't great to have the script to work from? Again, thanks a bunch for being so great at what you do!

Michael Bridgman Course Creator

Thanks to Content Sparks, I’ve been able to start a membership site

Thanks to Content Sparks, I’ve been able to start a membership site. I always wanted to do it, but never had the time. I’m charging $27 and $97 per month and am using Content Sparks products to drip new content each month. With 50 members at the $27/month right now, that's an additional $1,350/month right there, all from a $149 investment.

Tamara Patzer

And to teach and sell Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics, here's all the course content you'll get:

Click on any tab to see a detailed list of course content you'll get with your license:

  • Student Materials

  • Instructor Materials

  • Lead Generation Materials

Student Materials - to Learn & Take Action

* A 90-page Course Book - which gives you content and activity instructions you can use to create a self-study course, eCourse, or online or offline workshop (You’d pay $2,000+ just to learn how to create a course like this, and you’d still have to spend months doing it yourself)  

* Action Guide - 56-page guide which helps your students take action on what they learn, so you’ll have happy, successful customers

* A 28-page Summary Cheat Sheet - which you and your clients can quickly reference to save time, versus having to refer to the book every time (Customers love these!)  

* 32 Colorful Graphics that are used in the course book and slideshow - which not only give a snapshot view of concepts, but also give your content some visual zing (in .pptx and .png) 

* Email Automation Templates that are used in the course book and slideshow. (In Canva template and .png)

* Course Overview Infographic - A visual overview of the course (in .pptx, .pdf, & .png)

* Course Roadmap - The student's journey through the course (.pptx, .pdf & .png)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • FAQs about Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics

  • FAQs about White Label Content

  • How Much Can I save?

  • How Much Can I Earn?

Is Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics right for my audience?

Does your audience have an email list? Then this is for them. 

Are they relatively new to email marketing, but overwhelmed and not sure how to take full advantage of all the power it offers them?

Has your audience been using email marketing for a while, but only the bare basics, never seeing great results from it?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then our Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics is a must-have!

You'll be the one to give them the skills they need  in order to create and implement a clear, focused strategy that maximizes the results they get from their email marketing. 

What's the difference between the Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics and your other email marketing courses?

We have a variety of email marketing courses that range from creating an email list from scratch to courses on specific skills, like email copywriting or creating lead magnets and autoresponder series.

However, our Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics is completely different. The focus is exclusively on what you do once you have people on your email list.

Your students will get the information and skills they need in order to start using the features that any good email marketing platform offers - lists, tags, list segments, automations, personalization, and split-testing. But you won't overwhelm them with highly complicated, advanced features, like goals and CRM functions.

You can easily combine our 'beyond the basics' course with our other email marketing courses to create a full-fledged email marketing or an even bigger digital marketing series!

Does this course only work online or can it also be an in-person workshop?

Here at Content Sparks, we've given you everything you need to run your courses online virtually. However, you'll find the content is easy to adapt to an in-person training with some simple replacement of the virtual logistics, group coaching, or live seminar. Just have students do the action steps as small group and partner activities and then reconvene to debrief and discuss their results. 

Many of our clients do amazing in-person events with our course kits, and you will too! 

Can I teach this course if I've not taught these skills before?

Yes... absolutely

You can work through the course yourself and be your own case study to share with your audience.  You can interview successful entrepreneurs in your niche and ask them about their email marketing, their promos and what worked and what didn't. You'll find interviews are a great way to plug any perceived knowledge gap and add incredible value to your audience!

Can I create a Low-Ticket Offer with this?

All of this course would be overwhelming as a low-ticket offer. So why not take out Module 3 (List Segmenting Essentials), and turn that into a low-ticket offer instead? You can easily brand and record this section in less than 45 minutes.

You can then take out the Module 3 section from the Action Guide and add it as a handout with your video recording. Now you have a fabulous low-ticket offer.

 The rest of the course can become your core offer!

Can I create a High-Ticket Offer with this?

Yes! You can add in some personal coaching sessions (we recommend 4) and sell this in the $997-$1497 range. You can expand it to include a mastermind and charge up to $3,000 per person.

To increase the value, add in content from other Content Sparks courses. We recommend our Email Marketing From Scratch, Email Copywriting Essentials,  and Attract Quality Leads with Content Upgrades. Together, these make a powerful high-ticket offer that has incredible impact. 

You could also turn this whole course into a VIP day, and deliver Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics in person in a luxury venue 

A little extra thought turns Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics into a priceless high-ticket offer that gives a brilliant ROI and increased revenue for you.

What Curriculum could this be part of?

Anything about growing your business using digital marketing strategies and skills makes an attractive, enticing curriculum.

You can also add this course to a curriculum that teaches core marketing skills, such as Build an Email List from Scratch (a great starter course before delivering 'Beyond the Basics), How to Use Content Marketing to Build Your Brand, SEO Master Class, and Build Your Audience with Social Media... Combined you have a visibility powerhouse of a curriculum!

Our Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics is one of those next-level courses that help all growing businesses get the best  results from their email marketing, and it makes a fantastic addition to any marketing curriculum. 

Can I see a sample of the course content?

Sure! You can see an excerpt from the Course Book HERE:


And if you have more questions, you can always content us at support@contentsparks.com

The Thing to Keep In Mind...

While there are other done-for-you content companies out there, only Content Sparks specializes in sales and marketing products.  

Our products are developed by our in-house team, so this isn’t available for sale anywhere else.  

And 'Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics' was based on our 30+ years of experience developing products just like this one for Fortune 500 companies and small business owners...programs that get results.

Get your license to Email Marketing: Beyond the Basics: Only $297

100% No Risk Guarantee

Take a look through all the materials.
If you don’t think you or your customers can benefit from this content, let us know in the first 7 days, and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.  Just contact us at support@contentsparks.com.

If you like it, keep it. And if you’re ready to take action quickly to get to that next level, you could be closing sales in the first week.

Here are a few ideas for using your content...

  • Use a section of the content as a free giveaway to get more email subscribers on your list
  • Use the slides and speaking notes to run a webinar. Then follow up with paid coaching or consulting sessions
  • Customize and sell your own ecourse and follow it up with additional coaching or more in-depth training on each sub-topic.
  • Use sections of the content for an autoresponder series that pre-sells the entire course, all combined as a paid ebook, webinar, or live workshop.
  • Use the slides and speaker notes to create a video series for your clients, with the worksheets as downloads to accompany each video.
  • Add the content to your paid membership site as a valuable learning resource
  • Share the graphics, infographics, and tweets on social media to promote the course (paid or as a lead magnet), or just to drive traffic to your site
  • Combine this course with other courses at Content Sparks to create a longer educational series or curriculum